Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer Summer Summer Time!

It's Memorial Day weekend and besides paying an important tribute to those who sacrifice to keep us safe, it also means that summer is here (yeah yeah, officially not until June 21st but go with me here). It isn't often that we get a really nice warm Memorial Day weekend but this year was the exception. It was about 90 degrees so we decided to hit the Water Mine, a county swim park just down the road from us. Owen and Mason had a blast in the water. And Owen wondered where the cats were for the "kitty pool!" until I explained to him that's Kiddie, like "kids." "Oh," Owen replied.

Mason enjoyed walking around the kiddie pool and sitting on the "beach" as the water came up the spouts.

After coming home and taking some naps, they were ready to have at it again. So, we brought out the sprinklers and....

Mason wasn't a fan of the sprinklers and the wet grass, so we just watched.

But Owen quite enjoyed the audience!

We are so glad that summer is here!

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