Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The light at the end of the tunnel (Running, Running)

For me, the hardest part of having a child with a developmental delay is the waiting.  Patience is one of the things that I was not genetically blessed with.  But it is also one of the things that Mason is teaching me.  And I've been really patient, waiting for Mason to walk.  And the thing is I want Mason to walk for Mason.  Not for me.  His life would be so much easier.  He wants so much to run and play outside with his big brother.  For the longest time, I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It seemed he would never walk.  But now, finally, I can see the light.  I think the video below speaks for itself. 

Mason walking with a push toy from Kristin Lochhead on Vimeo.

Run, Mason, Run... you are almost there!   


  1. I love the video and the music! Mason is adorable and will be running all over the place in no time. You are such a great mommy, and he is lucky to have you, too!

  2. He is SO close! What a dear!!

  3. Oh My Goodness! I love this video and I LOVE his determination and the way he looks back to his mom for reasurance and how he is having such fun!
