Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's a GIRL!

We are thrilled and excited to be welcoming a baby girl into our family this August!  We took Owen with  us to the gender ultrasound and I wish I could say that he was enthralled with the photos of his sibling, but I couldn't get that kid to take his eyes off of "Angry Birds" on my iPhone.  HA!  But, he did say, "I knew it was going to be a sister because we already have two boys and we need another girl."  How thoughtful!  We really would have been excited either way but this mama is pretty happy to have a little girl to spoil.  Brian, on the other hand, is a little shell-shocked.  And while he says he likes the "idea" of a girl, after two boys I think he's a little unsure of how girls "work" (or maybe a little nervous about having a mini-Kristin in the house!)    

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