Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On milestones...

In hindsight, I realize that Owen hit almost every developmental milestone early.  He was my first and I didn't know any better.  When Mason came along with his designer genes, I knew that my "expectation" of milestones had to be thrown out the window.  I let Mason reach his milestones on his own pace.  And that wasn't easy for this impatient mama!   But it taught me so much.  I learned not to "expect" things of my children (well, except for good manners and good-night hugs, those I expect!) because each child will do things at their own pace given their own abilities.  And Mason sure did everything at his own pace.  That stubborn little monkey never crawled.  So you know that old quote, "you gotta crawl before you walk"?  Yea... Mason blew that out of the water! 

(and I should caveat that ... because Mason did just start crawling a few months ago ... at age 3.  Why?  Because he LOVES to pretend he's a dog!)  

Anyways.. I digress.  My point is that after everything we went through with Mason, it has been a little bit strange to watch Amelia accomplish her milestones so quickly (in comparison) and without intervention.  The milestones that we watched Mason struggle over.  The milestones that we worked on with our physical therapist.  Over and over again.  But for Amelia, the light just clicked one day and she's pulling up on furniture.  Soon after .. she starts crawling.   I want to yell ... "STOP, you are growing up too fast!"   But I can't hold her back just like I couldn't push Mason ahead.  And that's okay.   So, with that said, we now have three mobile children.  And I'm a little bit scared.   :)

Here is a video of our little girl in motion!


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