Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New York City!

Some people might call us CRAZY to travel to New York City with three small children.  I call us Adventurous.   I always said when we had kids I wasn't going to sit at home and not do things because it *might* be difficult.  Brian and I love New York City and we were so excited to share the city with our children.  Owen had been asking to see the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building for years.  So this was our time.  Thanks to very generous friends who loaned us their one bedroom apartment on the upper west side for the weekend, we had a place to come "home" to each night that wasn't smack in the middle of Times Square cheesiness.  We tackled each day with gusto and were determined to see everything on our list.  Nevermind the coordination it took to leave the apartment each morning equipped with gluten free snacks, thickened drinks, baby food, diapers and our sanity.  We Lochheads go hard or go home...

Day One

With the movie, Hop, loaded in the DVD player, we left home at 7:30 pm on Thursday night.  The kids were asleep by 8:30 and Brian and I enjoyed the quiet ride up to East Windsor, New Jersey.  We arrived at 11:30 pm and everyone was back asleep by midnight.  Except Amelia.  Who was ready to party.  Ugh.  So the three boys shacked up in one bed while I read the book, "Go the F*&# to sleep" over and over again in my head to Baby Girl.   Eventually she listened.

Day Two

The internal alarm clock of my children goes off around 5:30 AM and Vacation is no exception.  After killing some time at the hotel and a quick breakfast, we hit the road to Manhattan.  The ride was seamless and we arrived at our home for the weekend around 10 AM.  We quickly found a parking space and then, in true New York fashion, promptly waited in our car for the :30 minutes until street sweeping was finished.  We stashed our suit cases and then walked to the Subway stop. We considered taking the stroller, but decided to put Amelia in the Ergo and Owen and Mason would walk (or Mason would ride on Brian's shoulders).  This worked pretty well and was much easier than trying to manage NY subway with a stroller in tow. Owen and Mason were so excited to ride the train.

Excited to be on the Subway!
Owen asked question after question about why people in New York don't drive their cars everywhere like we do.  This was a whole new experience for him!  Our first stop was Times Square where we decided our first excursion would be to take the bus tour all around Downtown so that the kids could get a true grasp for the city we would tour.  We lucked out (or the bus people took pity on our large family) and were ushered on as the first ones on the empty bus.   So we marched straight to the top front row of said bus.  Best seats in the house.  Oh yeah.  

We drove by Times Square, Macy's, Greenwich Village, and then Downtown to Wall Street and Ground Zero.

We were then told that the bus was unloading at Battery Park.  We took the opportunity to walk around Battery Park.  Mason had a blast chasing "birdies" and "bunnies" (actually squirrels) and we just laughed and laughed at his enthusiasm.

Here Birdie Birdie Birdie
We then stumbled upon some street dancers doing a performance to "Sexy and you Know it" and Mason happily sang along ... only as "Elmo and you Know it."   Good times.

Sexy and I know it!

We hopped on the bus back to Times Square which provided an opportunity for Mason to nap.

Sleepy Mase
Once in mid-town, we hit the M&M store and Toys R Us.  Mason was enthralled with all of the characters pimping pictures of themselves out for money in front of Toys R Us .  I would have taken a picture ... but it would have cost me a pretty penny.  So you'll have to use your imagination.  At Toys R Us, they had a huge Dinosaur in their Jurassic Park exhibit that Mason couldn't get enough of.  Owen was happy with the Lego department and all of the New York landmarks that had been made out of Legos.

We let each kid pick out a toy (Owen got a Ninjago Lego set and Mason got a bucket of  Farm animals) and we took the train back up to the Upper West Side.  Pizza for dinner and we all crashed by 9 PM.
Owen waiting outside of the apartment
Day Three

On Saturday, we had 8 AM tickets to take the boat to Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty.  I was good and bought the tickets in advance.  It was cold and drizzling but that was not going to stop us.  On the train, Brian asks ... did you remember the tickets?   Ooops.  Nope ... but I remembered the gluten free snacks, thickened drinks, baby food, diapers and wipes.   Fortunately, in this modern day and age, the ticket booth operator was able to reprint our tickets for us and crisis was averted.   Pfew.  Given the weather, the boat was cold and windy but the kids insisted we stay on the top deck so that we could see. We begrudgingly agreed.

Brrrr... it's cold! 
It also gave us the opportunity to explain to Owen about Liberty and Ellis Island, Immigrants and their welcome to America.   Once on Liberty Island, we took a quick stop for refreshments.  Then the puddled walk to the front of Libery Island to lay our eyes on Lady Liberty...

I didn't see that puddle there, Mom! 

It lasted about .... 2 seconds.  With the wind whipping off of the water, it was darn cold.  Unfortunately, due to renovations, we did not get to go up to the torch.  Next time, we promised Owen we would.   On the way back on the boat, Owen asks me ... "Do you think the Statue of Libery is a boy or a girl?"  I responded, "I'm pretty sure she's a girl since we call her Lady Liberty."  Owen says, "Well, it's okay if I pretend she's a boy, right?"  Sure, Owen.   5 year old boys!   We walked around Wall Street, searched for a bathroom and had lunch at Chipotle.

Owen's photography ... kinda cut off Mason!  Oops!
A wet ... red-cheeked Mason on the Subway
I then convinced Brian to let us take some down time that afternoon and we headed up to the apartment so everyone could take a nap.  Everyone and I mean Everyone ... except Owen.  Cause 5 year olds don't nap.  That evening, Kristin, one of my roommates from college, came down with her husband to spend some time with us.  We went out to dinner and then hung out with some wine and cream puffs.  We had a great time catching up!

Day Four

Sunday morning, we hopped back on the Subway so we could cross another adventure off of Owen's list .. going to the top of the Empire State Building!  Again, buying our tickets in advance paid off and we jumped past the line of people waiting to buy tickets and headed straight for the elevators.  Yay, Kristin!

Owen loved the sights.  He pointed out all of the places we had been and I showed him the mass of trees that is Central Park (he marveled later that day how small it looked from up there, and how big the park actually is!).   

Mason was grumpy and didn't really care about the sights... until we got a little food in him.

And then he happily marched around the streets of New York...

We found a Subway train we *thought* would take us uptown.  We waited and waited.

But the train never came.  Turns out that line doesn't run on the weekends.  Whoopsie.  Instead of walking to the next stop, we decided to take a taxi.  Who'd have thought that the taxi cab would be one of the highlights of the day?  Both boys LOVED it.   Back at the apartment, we took the stroller out of the car, loaded up the kids and marched just a block over to Central Park.  We hadn't walked more than 100 feet when, right on cue, Mason and Amelia fell fast asleep.  I think Owen enjoyed the individual time we got to spend with him at the Park, seeing the Fountains, boat houses, and sail boats.

When we stumbled upon the first playground, Owen was dying for his brother to wake up and play with him.  But, we let Mason sleep and Owen climbed alone.
Just hanging around Central Park!
 Owen even took a picture of Brian and me while the little ones slept!

Never fear, once Mason woke, we found another playground and all of the kids had a chance to play.

That evening, we cabbed a few blocks uptown to have dinner and visit with another friend.  We had some delicious New York pizza and Owen had a blast playing with an *older* New York girl ... 7 year old Sophia.

Day Five

Home again Home again .. Jiggity Jig.  We had to get home for Owen's first T-Ball practice that afternoon (Brian is the coach) so we left New York bright and early.   I am so glad that our kids seemed to enjoy New York City as much as Brian and me.  And to all the naysayers ... New York with three young children was doable and *mostly* enjoyable!   I love looking at places you know through your children's eyes.  It makes those city lights, sounds and smells new again... as if you are experiencing it for the first time all over again.   So we don't say good bye to the Big Apple ... we say ... til we see you again!     

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