Saturday, June 18, 2011

Graduation Day!

I remember when Owen was a baby and I went on tours of daycare centers.  They always talked about "graduation" once they are ready to go onto Kindergarten.  And I rolled my eyes to myself, thinking, really?  A pre-school graduation?  Fast forward 5 years and my first born, Owen, is graduating from pre-Kindergarten ... and I couldn't be more proud.  Sure, it's not quite like working towards a high school or college graduation, but my baby is growing up!  And it's to be celebrated.  I cheated on my bed rest and had my mom accompany me to Owen's pre-school graduation.  As I saw all of the kids lined up in their red cap and gowns, looking all cool with their matching red shades, the tears started rolling.  Pomp and Circumstance played and as Owen and his friends walked by, I thought how fast the past 5 years have flown by and my mind fast-forwarded to a high school graduation 13 short years away.  And I wanted to cherish every moment.  Well, I wanted to stop time, but I knew that wasn't possible.  We are so proud of all that Owen has learned and accomplished in the past 5 years and we know that he is ready for Kindergarten this Fall.  He has grown in to a thoughtful, caring, smart (especially with math!) and patient (most of the time!) little boy!

Below is a video of the best of the best parts of the graduation and a little photo montage at the end.  Enjoy!

(sorry, Tracey, I used a copyrighted song so it's not available in Germany. Only Germany.  Not sure why??  I'll do a different version for you without Leann Womack so you can view!)

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