Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

I can't believe that today I put my 2 year old little boy on a school bus.  All by himself.  Mason is growing up so fast.  It now seems like forever ago that he was my little bottom scooter who refused to walk.  Because in the past month, he is now walking everywhere and a PRE-SCHOOLER!  We prepared everyone for their first day in pre-K (Owen) and pre-school (Mason) by getting new backpacks.  They sat by the door, ready to go ...  Owen had Batman and Mason had Elmo.   Mason would have really loved a Dora backpack, but call me old fashioned, I could not send Mason off to his first day at school with a pink backpack, even if it was for his love, Dora.   :)

I was hoping to get at least one good picture of both the boys with their new backpacks.  It has become increasingly difficult to get pictures of both Owen and Mason looking a the camera, but today, they cooperated.  I'm not going to ask why.  I'm just thankful for the small things.

They were both reflecting on where they've been and where they are going... or maybe they were just having fun looking at themselves in the door!

Next we hopped in the car and drove off to Kindercare.  Mason will be going to the special education pre-school at the local elementary school (run by Fairfax County) each morning and then to Kindercare for the afternoon.   On Monday, Thursday and Friday, I will drive him to the elementary school and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (the days I go into DC), Mason will take the bus from Kindercare to the elementary school.  He will take the bus from the elementary school to Kindercare each afternoon just in time for nap.  Since today was a typical "bus to school" day, I went along to Kindercare to make sure that everything went smoothly.   The bus was supposed to pick Mason up at 9:13.  It didn't arrive until 9:25 so we waited patiently in the lobby...

Finally, the bus came and it all happened so fast.  We got on the bus and the bus drive installed the car seat..  I could tell Mason was confused but he kept on his game face.

I have no idea whether he burst out into tears when I got off that bus. I know he was confused.  But I gave him a kiss and told him to have a great day.  And this is the face that I took with me:

He seemed to have a great day.  The note from the teacher said he was a little sad in the morning :( but that he was happy the rest of the day and played and listened nicely.  That's my boy!   Back again he goes tomorrow.  Soon enough, this will become our routine but for now it was an exciting day of firsts!

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