It was Sunday night and Brian had left for a basketball game. Freshly out of the bath tub, Mason was the first to get on his pajamas. I was excited for him to wear his first "shorty jammies" of the season, a baseball themed set that, mind you, Owen had just fit into last year. When Owen saw Mason in the pajamas, he declared that he, too, must also wear baseball pajamas and that they could play a pretend game of baseball. After
nine innings five minutes of that, it was on to the next adventure. And the next game would be .... King of the Chair! The two boys were climbing in and out of the chair and they looked so cute in their matching baseball pajamas sitting on the chair together. I ran out of the room declaring, "I'll be back in a minute. Stay right there." Owen yells after me .... "Mom, are you going to get your camera?" Does this kid know me or what? Now trying to get these two muffins to sit still and smile at the camera is no small feat. I started yelling 1... 2... 3... Cheese! to get them to look at the camera. Mason started to make the funniest smiley face on "cheeese" with eyes and nose squished and Owen, of course, was looking anywhere but at the camera ....
Or Owen would be looking and Mason would be heading for the floor...
This continued for picture...
After picture ...
After picture ...
Until finally, I captured the quintessential "Brother" pose ...
And my work for the night was complete! Oh how I love these two Cheese Balls!!